The Oregan Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) is the agency responsible for regulating the sale and service of alcoholic beverages in Oregon as well as managing the production, processing and sale of recreational cannabis in Oregon through the Control, Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana and Industrial Hemp Act. The agency also regulates the production, processing, and sale of medical cannabis products sold to Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) cardholders in OLCC licensed cannabis retail shops.
The OLCC has exclusive authorization to make recreational and medical grade cannabis available to consumers through licensed cannabis stores. The program also tracks the growing, transporting, processing and selling of recreational marijuana products. The Public Safety Program is responsible for licensing and regulating the operation of the recreational cannabis industry in Oregon.
The OLCC is responsible for tracking any OMMP grow (producer) that is registered to produce cannabis for three or more patients, OMMP processing sites, and OMMP dispensaries. The Oregon Health Authority administers the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program.
For anyone growing cannabis in Oregon it is important to know whether your grow must pay the $200 grow site registration fee in order to receive their cannabis license. Growers must pay the grow site registration if they are:
- Growing for another person; or
- Growing at a site other than their home; or
- Growing more than 12 plants; or
- Transferring excess product to processors or dispensaries.
To be exempt from the grow site registration fee ALL of the following must be true:
- You are growing only for yourself; and
- You are growing at your own residence where there are 12 or fewer mature plants; and
- You are not transferring product to an OHA processing site or dispensary.
Processor License Fees
A total of $4000 in fees will be due at the time of application. A $3500 registration fee and a $500 non-refundable application fee. There will also be a $35 background check fee for each person listed on the application. Finally, there is a $480 Cannabis Tracking System user fee.
Licensed cannabis dispensaries in Oregon may not be located in an area zoned as residential. A licensed cannabis dispensary may not be located within 1,000 feet of a school or another registered dispensary and may not be at an address registered with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program as a grow site. Local government agencies may have additional restrictions, and applicants should communicate with those local agencies when deciding where to locate a dispensary.