Nevada Cannabis License Guidelines

Nevada Cannabis Compliance Board

Licensing and Enforcement Criteria

The Nevada Cannabis Compliance Board (CCB) governs Nevada’s cannabis industry through strict regulation of all areas of its licensing and operations, protecting the public health and safety of it’s citizens and visitors while holding cannabis licensees to the highest ethical standards.

To assist the CCB the Cannabis Advisory Commission (CAC) was established through Assembly Bill 533 and signed into law by Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak in 2019.

The 12-person commission studies cannabis-related issues and makes recommendations to the CCB.

Of the 12 members, eight are appointed by the governor. Members are appointed on the merit of their knowledge, skill, and experience either within or outside of the cannabis industry. In addition to the eight gubernatorial appointments, the CAC includes Nevada’s Attorney General, the Director of the Nevada Department of Public Safety (DPS), the Executive Director of the Department of Taxation (DoT), and the Executive Director of the CCB who serves as Chair of the CAC.

In March 2021, Governor Sisolak appointed the first eight members to the CAC. Appointees serve a two-year term and are eligible for reappointment.

In addition to the considerations in NRS 678B.200 and NRS 678B.280, the Board may consider the following in determining whether any person qualifies to receive a license to sale or produce cannabis under the provisions of chapter 678B of the NRS: 

  • The adequacy of the person’s business competence and experience for the role or position for which application is made
  • The unsuitable affiliates of the person applying for the license even if the person is found suitable by the Board, but associates with, or controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, an unsuitable person
  • The adequacy of the proposed funding for the nature of the proposed operations
  • The suitability of the source of funding unless the person satisfies the Board that the source of funding: 
    • Is a person of good character, honesty, and integrity
    • Is a person whose background, reputation and associations will not result in adverse publicity for the State of Nevada and its cannabis industry
  • The Board may consider any other qualifications or behavior of the person that the Board determines is inconsistent with the declared policy of the State.

Guidelines for a cannabis sales facility

  • A cannabis sales facility shall only offer for sale cannabis, cannabis products, cannabis paraphernalia, cannabis-related accessories, products containing CBD and products containing industrial hemp which are related to cannabis.
  • Each cannabis sales facility shall offer for sale containers for the storage of cannabis and cannabis products which lock and are designed to prohibit children from unlocking and opening the container.
  • A cannabis sales facility shall not sell any food, beverage or personal care item that does not contain cannabis.
  • A cannabis sales facility shall not sell any product that contains nicotine.
  • A cannabis sales facility shall not sell any product that contains alcohol if the product would require the cannabis sales facility to hold a license issued pursuant to chapter 369 of NRS.
  • A cannabis sales facility shall not sell cannabis or cannabis products to a consumer through the use of, or accept a sale of cannabis or cannabis products from, a third party, intermediary business, broker or any other business that does not hold a license for a cannabis sales facility in this State.
  • A cannabis sales facility shall not contract with a third party or intermediary business to advertise delivery to consumers. This section applies to advertising only and not delivery services.
  • A cannabis sales facility shall not recommend products to women that are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Nevada Cannabis Law & Compliance

Several laws and ordinances regulate the Nevada commercial cannabis industry, as well as the many different steps in the supply chain. These laws range over dispositions for cultivators, manufacturers, distributors and retail dispensaries. The most recent news can be found on these websites:


Can I buy a license or transfer interest?

Transfers of interest are permitted, however, they must be approved by the Board prior to the transfer. Transfers of Interest require extensive review and there is no timeline for completing a transfer of interest. For more information, email

Can a cultivation facility transport to a production facility without using a licensed distributor?

Yes, a licensed distributor is only required when delivering adult-use cannabis to a retail store. However, vehicles must be inspected and carry an approved Inspection Card issued by the Board.

What are the requirements for packaging, labeling, and advertising?


Engaging in false or misleading advertising statements/illustrations.

Promoting over consumption of cannabis or cannabis products.

Depicting consumption of cannabis or cannabis products and/or a child or other person who is less than 21 years of age consuming cannabis or cannabis products.

Objects suggesting the presence of a child, including, without limitation, toys, characters or cartoons, mascot, action figure, balloon or contain any other depiction which is designed in any manner to be appealing to or encourage consumption of cannabis or cannabis products by a person who is less than 21 years of age.

Advertising in any publication, radio, television or any other medium if 30 percent or more of the audience is reasonably expected to be less than 21 years of age.

Sponsorship of youth sports and entertainment events, including advertising on team uniforms.

Placing an advertisement within 1,000 feet of a public or private school, playground, public park, or library. An advertisement may be maintained if it was placed before the school, playground, public park, or library was located within 1,000 feet of the advertisement.

Placing an advertisement on or inside of a public transportation motor vehicle or any shelter for public transportation. This does not include taxis.

Placing an advertisement at a sports or entertainment event to which persons who are less than 21 years of age are allowed entry.

Placing an advertisement where prohibited by ordinance of the locality.

Advertising or offering any cannabis or cannabis product as “free” or “donated” without a purchase.

*Cartoon, defined: Anime, a sketch or drawing, usually humorous, as in a newspaper or periodical, symbolizing, satirizing, or caricaturing some action, subject or person of popular interest.

What kinds of cannabis facilities operate in Nevada?

There are five cannabis establishment license types in Nevada. See the list below.

  • Cannabis Sales Facility: A business that is licensed by the board and acquires, possesses, delivers, transfers, supplies, sells, or dispenses cannabis or related supplies to a consumer/patient or to another cannabis sales facility.
  • Cannabis Cultivation Facility: A business that is licensed by the board, and acquires, possesses, cultivates, delivers, transfers, transports, supplies, or sells cannabis and related supplies to a cannabis sales facility; cannabis production facilities; or other cannabis cultivation facilities.
  • Cannabis Production Facility: A business that is licensed by the board and acquires, possesses, manufactures, delivers, transfers, transports, supplies, or sells cannabis products to cannabis sales facilities.
  • Cannabis Distributor: A business that is licensed by the Board to transport cannabis and cannabis products from cannabis establishments to another cannabis establishment.
  • Independent Testing Laboratory: A business that is licensed by the Board to test cannabis and all cannabis products.

How is marijuana tracked?

Nevada has a seed-to-sale inventory tracking system called Metrc. As the name implies, the system tracks marijuana from seed through the cultivation, production, transportation, and sale.

How does the Cannabis Compliance Board enforce medical-only sales?

All cannabis sales are tracked through Nevada’s seed-to sale inventory tracking system, Metrc which identifies patient sales transactions. Transactions are audited by the state to ensure that cannabis product designated as medical or sold to a medical patient are compliant. If the Cannabis Compliance Board finds establishments in violation of the requirements for medical only inventory tracking, they will be subject to enforcement action.

Nevada Cannabis License Types


Licensed to cultivate (grow), harvest, and package cannabis; to have cannabis tested by a testing facility; and to sell cannabis to retail cannabis stores, to cannabis product manufacturing facilities, and to other cultivation facilities, but not to consumers.


Licensed to transport cannabis from a cannabis establishment to another cannabis establishment. For example, from a cultivation facility to a retail store.


Licensed to purchase cannabis; manufacture, process, and package cannabis and cannabis products; and sell cannabis and cannabis products to other product manufacturing facilities and to retail cannabis stores, but not to consumers. Cannabis products include things like edibles, ointments, and tinctures.

Testing Laboratory

Licensed to test cannabis and cannabis products, including for potency and contaminants.


Licensed to purchase cannabis from cultivation facilities, cannabis and cannabis products from product manufacturing facilities, and cannabis from other retail stores; can sell cannabis and cannabis products to consumers.

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